Laguna dei Fenici rooms and breakfast


A 30 km dal b&b raggiungibile in 20 minuti circa
Suggeriamo una passeggiata per l’animato centro storico della città interamente restaurato pochi anni fa e la visita al museo Pepoli. (tel 0923.553269 ) che vanta collezioni di pittura, sculture, maioliche, ori e argenti, opere in corallo, arredi e paramenti sacri.
Da non perdere, nel periodo di Pasqua, la tradizionale processione dei misteri che si svolge il venerdì santo.

Numerous other tourist attractions are within easy reach of the B&B Laguna dei Fenici:
The medieval town of Erice overlooking the north-western tip of Sicily from its location at 750 above sea level; the Greek temple and theatre of Segesta; the beaches of San Vito Lo Capo, Scopello and Selinunte. Our B&b is only just over an hour away from the capital of Sicily, the decadent, bustling and constantly surprising Palermo, with its Norman architecture and baroque art, world renowned cuisine and characteristically colourful night-life.

We will be more than happy to advise you on these and many more fascinating places, or alternatively, you can browse through the selection of multi-lingual guide books available at the b&b. Road maps are also available for our guests to borrow.

Laguna dei Fenici Rooms and Breakfast - C.da Birgi Vecchi n. 116/117 Marsala - Tel. (+39)339-7277136 /(+39)320-9740609 - Email
C.I.R.19081011B400577 - C.I.N. IT081011B42JMYE7R5 - IT081011B45284P4ZC
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